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Superstar Consultant

My Story

Superstar Consultant
 I was introduced to Scentsy by a coworker in 2011. She was invited to a show and she couldn't wait to tell me about the product. I had never heard of Scentsy but I fell in love with the product sight unseen. I signed up to be a Consultant 3 days later and that started my journey with Scentsy. My son was in private school and I knew that I could make some extra money. I think I was more excited about the products than making the extra money. It was very easy to sell Scentsy so I set my  sights on sharing the product with more and more people everyday.  The more I shared; the more excited I got about  Scentsy.  Scentsy has become a household word in my house and  everyone shares it on a daily basis. Our goal is for me to have an office in my house and Scentsy is going to make that happen. I thank God for my coworker thinking of me when it came to Scentsy because it has truly been a blessing; I have made friends and come out of my comfort zone when it comes to sharing Scentsy.<!--endbody-->

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